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Thread: Fallout 4 - Endings (Possible Spoilers)

  1. #1
    Sarcoth's Avatar
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    Fallout 4 - Endings (Possible Spoilers)

    If you haven't beaten the game, and you don't want any spoilers, it is recommend you do not continue.

    First off, consider that I have over 400 hours put into Fallout 4 already. I have sided with all four factions and have completed the game with each of them. Last week, I went back and beat the game again for the fifth time, but in an attempt to receive a fifth ending. Before I go on to that, let me describe the first four endings.

    Institute - If you side with the institute, they will want you to kill off both the Railroad and Brotherhood. Your son runs this faction, but he's dying. He wants you to take over leadership of the Institute. This faction puts you in a huge moral dilemma. You can side with your son and the horrors the Institute is committing and the fact that they only want to save themselves and hell with the rest of the world or you can side with one of the other factions instead. My morals were further put into question when I was forced to kill off all the Railroad leaders. I finished this ending just to get the achievement, but I personally wasn't a fan. Since you don't kill off the Minutemen, you can still consider them allies, but I doubt they see it that way.

    Railroad - This was actually my favorite quest line. I think the railroad are a noble group of people, but I feel they maybe a little mental. They want to save synths, but don't see to care much about real people. If they wanted to save both people and synths, I could have digested their freedom BS a lot easier. Nonetheless, the quest line is a lot of fun. Their ending forces you to kill off the Institute and Brotherhood. Well, the Brotherhood doesn't get along with anyone so I don't see any issue in this. Even though the quest line was good, I could never morally side with them. Picking the saving of machines over people sound ridiculous to me.

    Brotherhood - Another fun ending, but I would rank it as my third favorite. I think this one was the longest and most different when compared to the other factions. They had a lot going on and I enjoyed that about this quest line. The problem I have with them is that they want you to kill off the Railroad and Institute. I understand the latter, but why the former? Their reason is b/c the Railroad is helping to save the synths (abominations). Personally, I think they should ignore that and only hunt down the ones that are evil. If you go this route, even though the Brotherhood doesn't hunt down the Minutemen yet, the Minutemen are still willing to help you take out the Brotherhood if you want.

    Minutemen - My 2nd favorite quest line and the one ending that agrees with my views morally, mostly. This quest line will want you to destroy the Institute and the Brotherhood. After you take down the Institute, you could probably even ignore the Brotherhood and leave them be. But, this depends on how far along you went with the Brotherhood in their quest line. More on that next. I like the minutemen. They want to help everyone. They want to be a force the people of the commonwealth can depend on.

    THE FIFTH ENDING - Well, to be honest, this is exactly the same ending as the Minutemen ending. I didn't see any difference in that. This ending results in destroying the Institute, but you will still be allied with the Brotherhood, Railroad, and Minutemen and none of them will try to kill each other. I like this ending the most because now I have access to more factions. The only bug in this ending is that PAM (Railroad) is still coded to think the Brotherhood needs to be taken down. She does this when going through the Railroad quest line. I think this has something to do with the fact that the Institute is gone, Railroad still exists, and Brotherhood still exists. She is trying to continue on with the next part of the Railroad quest line, even though you beat the game with the Minutemen. To reach this ending, you need to follow a rather strict path of what quests you complete. I'll make a reply to this thread when I have more time with the correct list of quests and their order.

    My Fallout 4 character is now level 76 and I'm planning to continue playing the game. The institute is currently gone with my current character, but the other 3 factions still exist.

  2. #2
    Sarcoth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quest line: To be completed later.

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