Their original Kickstarter had a couple of pledges that included internal testing, which they are calling pre-alpha. When the KS failed, they extended those same pledges to anyone who could prove they had pledged one of those tiers at the same cost; this was well before they went bat**** crazy with the cost of the tiers including pre-alpha. The first tier was $250

Paragon’s Pledge – (This is a STAND ALONE tier not included in the tiers following it.) All previous reward tiers plus very early access to the game as a tester. The exceptions for those who pledge this tier are simple. Be ready and able to help us with any type of game testing and be willing to spend time submitting detailed bug reports. As a paragon you will receive mention in the credits, have a special tag on our forums once they are established, and a special icon that you can display next to your character name when the game launches.

All of those who participate in this pledge must sign a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) and cannot work for any other game company. If at anytime we feel it is justified your access can be removed by the development team.